Search Results - red cross (10)

Showing 10 Results

American Red Cross Emergency app

A native app that allows you to monitor more than 35 different severe weather and emergency alerts in your town, and other cities that matter to you, such as hurricanes, earthquakes and tornados. 

Chatbots in humanitarian contexts

Chatbots in humanitarian contexts

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Report by the British Red Cross on aid groups' rush to use chatbots, from a skeptical perspective



Sri Lanka

A platform to consolidate emergency medical needs across a country, create aid packages of medicines and supplies, centralize supplier quotations, select most cost-effective supplier, and match donors willing to fund aid packages.

IASC Operational Guidance on Data Responsibility in Humanitarian Action

While each organization is responsible for its own data, humanitarians under the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) – which brings together United Nations (UN) entities, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) consortia and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement – need common normative, system-wide guidance to inform individual and collective action and to uphold a high standard for data responsibility in different operating environments.

Humanitarian Data and Trust Initiative

How can humanitarian organizations, states, civil society, academia and the private sector join forces to maximize the benefits of technology and humanitarian data while minimizing the risks of doing harm?


Crowdicity is an idea management software solution that can be used to harness the ideas of your employees, customers, and stakeholders to drive innovation.

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